Techniques that have influenced the development of Tissue Talk® Methods
Sacral Occipital Technique was founded by Major DeJarnette. SOT is a comprehensive technique which uses body indicators in a concise and chronological process for determining skeletal, cranial, neurological and visceral malfunctions. It incorporates specific procedures which address clinical changes in the extremities, pelvis, spine, viscera, cranium and TMJ. Dr. DeJarnette believed that "Distortions are massive muscular efforts which result in specific localized fixations. These fixations act as a source of nerve stimulus to other muscles until the body reaches an impasse. They result from a primary area of segmental neuron stimuli but by the time the practitioner sees the patient, so many things have happened that it is difficult to locate the basic area of subluxation". SOT is therefore designed to assist the chiropractor in locating and correcting the primary pattern of body distortion and source of Dis-Ease.
NeuroFacial Release was founded by Steven Davidson DO in 1987. NFR is based on a model of standing wave forms and interference vibratory patterns produced or held in tissues. These patterns are thought to be responsible for musculoskeletal and visceral dysfunctions. The biotensegrity of the fascial system is the main focus, and the patient is examined and treated from an integrated whole body perspective. These points of abnormal tissue patterns are treated by locating a point of fascial restriction or fascial laxity and its corresponding release point. Both points are held until the fascial wave generator that was causing the abnormal tension is normalized.
Jaffe Mellar Technique
is based on bioenergetics and he premise that highly adaptive microorganisms invade a compromised body and begin to alter how its nervous and immune systems function. This triggers an "autoimmune response" in an effort to eradicate the external pathogenic factor(EPF). Once the EPF is identified and located, then energy neutralization, intervention and autonomic nervous system reprogramming techniques are used to deactivate the correct the energetic imbalance.
Advanced Jaffe Mellar Technique
is a treatment based on a method of assessing and evaluating the autonomic nervous system using both nonverbal and verbal questions and statements. When gliches in the autonomic nervous system are discovered, verbal commands are utilized to facilitate repair. Stimulation of the nervous system using light percussion or cold laser and breathing can reinforce the body's healing process.
Functional Integrative Neurology pertains to restoring function to the nervous system utilizing a wide variety of therapeutic nervous system based exercises.
Biomagnetic Pair (BMP)
Is a therapeutic technique developed by Mexican scientist, Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran in 1988. The technique focuses on re-establishing and maintaining health, preventing pathological conditions, facilitating the process of rehabilitation, and it complements other medical treatments. The BMP technique consists of placing magnets, in sets of pairs, on specific areas of the body that are in Biomagnetic Resonance. This is done in an effort to help restore and maintain the balance of the bioelectric state of the body.
an advanced scanning and treatment methodology developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran used to restore, maintain and balance the bioelectric state of the body whereby promoting healing and health.
Bowen Technique
is a system of subtle precise mobilizations of the muscles, tendons, nerves and fascia that send neurological impulses to the brain resulting in muscle relaxation and pain reduction. Bowen Technique primarily affects the body through the nervous and bioenergetic systems to bring it to a state of balance and remind it how to heal itself.
Healing Touch
is bioenergetic therapy that uses gentle hand techniques to help re-pattern the patient's energy field and accelerate healing the body, mind and spirit.
Donna Eden Methods
basis of her work believes that the body is a latticework of energies. The enormous implications of this single fact are the basis of energy medicine. The vibration of the energies in your body reflect your health and well-being. By working with your body's energies, you can bring your energies to a more optimal level.
Dynamic Stain-Vector Release
is a bioenergetic technique developed by Jan Hendryx DO. It is directed towards he assessing dysfunctional tissues for inherent motions abnormalities know as dynamic strain or pathological strain vector. The treatment consists of touching and holding the strain-vector release point until normal tissue motion is felt.
Indirect Osteopathic Techniques
work away from the restrictive barrier/area at a place called the set point to allow the body's tissues to "unwind". This process of unwinding allows the body to remove the accumulated trauma in the tissues and being the healing process.
Myofacial Meridian Techniques and Concepts include the works of Tom yers and Buckminster Fuller's Tensegrity Model. The premise of this work is that the body is composed of many systems (nervous, digestive, circulatory, immune...) all of which are interconnected and communicate with each other via an extensive connective tissue matrix. It is the balance of tension between the body tissue and the systems that allow for the proper flow of these extracellular fluids that transmit information throughout all the issues of the body.
Spring Forest Qigong healing is based on the principle that everything in the universe is energy. You are an energy being. For optimum health, wellness, and happiness, you need to bring your energy into balance, maintain the balance, and keep the energy flowing smoothly.
When your energy is not in balance, energy blockages will be created. If the blockages are not removed, physical or mental illness is likely to manifest. The illness is a symptom of the blockage or blockages.
Spring Forest Qigong practice can help you remove the energy blockages in your body, restore your natural balance, and keep your energy flowing smoothly, enabling you to live the healthiest, happiest, most productive and rewarding life possible.